What God has done before, He can do again. What God has done for one, He will do for you. [see Acts 10:34]
But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful He has been.”
What is a testimony?
It is much simpler than most think. People have many testimonies and never even realize it, because most people think it needs to be this amazingly out of this world type of story. But it doesn't! A testimony is simply sharing with others what God has done in your life.
Why do we share testimonies? Is it to brag on ourselves?
No, of course not! We give testimonies to encourage others. We give testimonies to praise God.
Something we have been through may be something someone else is going through. We never know who may need to hear our story, our encouragement, that it's all going to be okay!
While I was abroad on vacation, I suddenly had a life threatening infection in my blood. BUT GOD helped me to recover supernaturally quickly so that we could fly home as scheduled without going to a hospital and I have recovered fully!! Not only am I healed, but God is also providing the reimbursement of all the thousands of dollars we had to pay for the treatment I received.
- Cherie B.
- Cherie B.
I thank God that He always protects us and provides His angels to guard us. Every morning in prayer James and I send out angels to protect us and our loved ones and I'm so thankful God is faithful!! Within the last 6 months I have had at least 5 or 6 instances where cars that should have plowed in to me didn't and where terrible accidents should have happened but I was saved. Once was on 469 on a dark morning where no car could be seen for miles behind me and my car didn't register a warning for a car beside me, but a car came from seemingly nowhere and just about ran me off the road. Somehow angels must have gotten me out of the way and we missed each other, but I didn't even know it was there until it was too late for me to maneuver out of the way on my own. Another time a semi on 69 where I was merging couldn't get over because there was traffic in the other lane and I ran out of merging lane and thought that there would be an accident because I was literally driving on the shoulder but somehow angels got me onto the road even though there was no room for me. Another time was someone almost ramming me in a roundabout. And a couple other times that I can't remember the details now. I'm sure there were also other times I don't know about where a slow car on front of me made sure I didn't get to an intersection at the same time an accident was happening...or I was running late for seemingly no good reason and avoided a sleepy 3rd shifter falling asleep at the wheel on the way home or a texter not seeing me. There were just so many in a short period of time, I know I'm on the right track with my life because the enemy is trying to destroy me. But no weapon formed against us can prosper!! Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness!!
- Cherie B.
- Cherie B.
I returned from Vacation and the Foundation of my new home has been poured! God is so good! And I’m so excited! To God be all the Glory!
- Leslie J.
- Leslie J.

I tell everyone how awesome my church is! Want to know how awesome? Here is one example: Forgiven Church sent an arrangement of beautiful flowers to my sister 2 years ago, when she was in the hospital having just had brain surgery. She wasn't a member of the church, and in fact I'd been believing/praying for/standing in faith since we were kids that she would receive Christ. She had attended a few fun events we did at the church and a couple of ladies events, but never came to an actual service. Those flowers touched her heart so very much! She had felt so lonely and forgotten by others that when FC sent the flowers it revealed to her that FC people had always been accepting of her and she was amazed that a friend of mine from FC came in each day to help push me around in a wheelchair so I could be with her...it super blessed her that FC would reach out to her and love on her a day or two later...she actually received Christ on her own while I slept 4 feet from her at like 3:30 or 4:30 in the morning. She had been watching tv, and a minister had come on teaching about sowing and reaping...she apparently tried to change the channel a couple of times but it wouldn't change. I slept through it. Later that day I told her my pastors would like to come visit her and she said that was fine. When Pastor Scott and Pastor Michelle came to see her, she told them that she had prayed that morning on her own and accepted Christ after that tv program! She allowed Pastors to pray with her. It was an amazing time! After they left and for the rest of her hospital stay I could always tell where she was in the hospital wing by the laughing of the nurse walking with her or the others in the hall along the way when they had her walking. It's like the weight she'd been carrying around had been lifted off her and she felt happy and loved. It was such a blessing to see. This church has been such a HUGE blessing to me and my family...and thanks to them...I know that she is in Heaven instead of in Hell and that I will see her again. If you are hurting, alone, looking for something to change in your life, I invite you to check out Forgiven Church.
- Jennifer M.
- Jennifer M.
We praise God for our house that we acquired! We sowed a seed and in the midst of a tough buyer's market we were able to get this house that had all the rooms and space we wanted and the perfect layout! We were proclaiming double of what we currently had and this house values at exactly double the value of our last house!
- Merlin T.
- Merlin T.

It is hard to put into words what all God has been doing for me and my family since coming to Forgiven Church. I realize my mind is being transformed, and my already measured faith has been activating to new heights. I agree with healing in a way I never have before. I am no longer afraid for people to know I pray in tongues and do not fear them anymore. They are a normal part of my prayer life again. My at home Bible devotionals have gone deeper...started again after many months of drifting. I am spending more time in God's Word, like I have woken up out of a dry season. My prayer life has changed dramatically as I recognize what God has already given me and just agreeing with those gifts and promises. Even my worship, and help leading worship now, has deepened as God provides fresh revelation. It feels good to have faith and learn how to use it. Also, Lorena is three and all she talks about is church. When are we going next. Driving by, "go in there," "go in there." I know it is because she feel God's presence and so happy to see her excited. It was really hard to say goodbye to my last church. I have so many happy memories and amazing friends and mentors from there. But when God says go, you go. And now I understand the "why." Knowledge is getting from the head to the heart, soul to the spirit.
- Shara K.
- Shara K.
In 2020, I PAID OFF my house mortgage! I had enough left over to buy me a new car! We paid off my husband's car and two credit cards!! What an AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!!
- LaShan W.
- LaShan W.
I want to share an anniversary. One May, I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, meaning that the pressure in my pulmonary artery was way too high and they didn't know why. And it was like 20 points too high, way out of range to be a mistake on the echocardiogram. I was looking at a lifespan of 3-5 years, with the last year or 2 being an invalid. They scheduled me for an invasive procedure to get an exact measurement and I prayed. I knew God healed me. Two weeks later, my pressures were perfect. THAT WAS BACK IN 1998. After 23 years, I'm pretty sure I'm safe, right? God is so very good.
- Bobbie M.
- Bobbie M.
We have a great testimony with the purchase of our houses. 3 years ago, we wanted a fixer upper with an unfinished basement outside of town with some space to spread out. We also had a very low budget but we knew God had the right place for us. Our real estate agent had told us we were going to have to lower our expectations or plan to pay more because after looking at 15 houses we hadn't found one. And this was years before the blow up of the housing market. We finally found one that we liked that had everything we wanted including an acre of land and we enjoyed remodeling the main floor and living in that house for a season. Last spring during the first weeks of the pandemic, we were able to get some serious work done on the basement during our paid work shutdown. After that we were reinvigorated in our renovations and kept at it even though both of us were working full time. Suddenly we felt God telling us it was time to sell! In the natural, it didn't seem possible to get everything done, and it was a hard-working whirlwind few months. In the end we finished the last room AFTER our open house and selling the property!! But we gained much more than we put into the house and were able to move into a bigger 2 story home in a much better location for us, midway between North and South branches of Forgiven Church, cutting the drive time almost in half for both! But finding it was challenging...in the crazy market this spring we looked at more than 30 homes. We were on a deadline to find a new home since the closing of our old home was closing in on us quickly! In the end it was God's favor in seeing a home right when it came on the market and getting a showing the next morning (favor with my boss to leave work to see it!). Though there were multiple offers, we had an accepted offer by 2 pm that same afternoon!! It had all our needs, most of our wants and even some of our desires!! We are blessed by an amazing family and church family who helped us move within about 48 hrs of our time of possession on a deadline to be out of our old house!! We couldn't have gotten it done without them! God is so faithful, through all the stressful logistics and demands of both the sale of the old house and the purchase of the new....we have been blessed beyond measure and continue to be in awe of how God keeps working everything out for our good and taking care of us even before we know we have a need!!!
- Cherie B.
- Cherie B.