Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Here at Forgiven Church, we believe in funding missionaries
and working together with other ministries to bring the Word of God to all people.
Below, you'll find several missions & ministries that we support.
But first, let's take a look at a few of the things have done and do, to help positively impact our communities.
Community Outreaches
Over the span of our twenty years in ministry, we have done our best to be active in our local communities,
while at the same time, not competing with events that other churches have already committed to within our communities.
We believe we should all be building one another up and completing one another, not competing against each other.
- Diaper Drives: We’ve held events in parks where we give away diapers to families in need.
- Operation Christmas: We’ve provided Christmas presents for families in need.
- Loaves & Fishes: We provided food and gift cards to our local food bank, so they can continue to help those in need.
- We’ve given away a few brand new bicycles, simply to bring some smiles to children’s faces.
- We hold tents at local fairs where people can come and be prayed with and encouraged.
- We’ve given away money and gift cards to help those in need.
- Freedom Festival: For ten years, we held a free community wide event held annually on July 4th. We rented bounce houses, a zorb ball maze, and a dunk tank to name a few. We had a live band playing music and afterwards, people could stay and watch the city fireworks from a perfect view. One year, we even rented a cash box and gave the opportunity to people to have their name drawn to be able to stand inside the cash box for 30 seconds and grab as much money as they could.
Supported Ministries and Missions

Pastor Steve & Chanler Shank
City On The Hill Ministries | Boulder, CO
City On The Hill Ministries | Boulder, CO
Pastor Steve and Chandler Shank founded City on the Hill ministries in August 1979 in Boulder, Colorado. Pastor Steve has answered the call of transition from being a Full-Time Pastor to Apostolic Overseer, where he has traveled to the countries of Georgia, Philippines, Canada, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and Scotland. He is the founder of “Confirming the Word Bible College”, which has churches all over the world teaching their courses.

Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack Ministries | Colorado Springs, CO
Andrew Wommack Ministries | Colorado Springs, CO
Andrew Wommack, founder of Andrew Wommack International Ministries and Charis Bible College, has been in ministry over fifty-two years. AWMI’s daily worldwide reach is over 3.2 billion people for Jesus. Charis Bible College has just under 1,000 students at their Colorado campus and 968 students in their thirty-six statewide locations. They also have 2,568 students in twenty-eight international locations in twenty different countries, along with 2,378 stateside online training students.

Tim Tebow Foundation: Rescue Them
Jacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville, Florida
Their Mission Statement:
"To bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need."
Taken from their website:
Though a solution to human trafficking can be daunting to consider, we serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. As the Tim Tebow Foundation continues to fight in the rescue mission He has called us to, we are committed to supporting those affected by this crime against humanity in three ways.
We encourage you to visit their website for more information.
"To bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need."
Taken from their website:
Though a solution to human trafficking can be daunting to consider, we serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. As the Tim Tebow Foundation continues to fight in the rescue mission He has called us to, we are committed to supporting those affected by this crime against humanity in three ways.
We encourage you to visit their website for more information.

Drs. Phillip & Brenda Goudeaux
Calvary Christian Center | Sacramento, CA
Calvary Christian Center | Sacramento, CA
Drs. Phillip and Brenda Goudeaux are founders of Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento, California. They’ve been in the ministry for forty years, as of March 2020. They have six campuses and one homeless shelter, Safe Haven. They also have a ministry for helping people overcome various addictions and receive no governmental help. Dr. Phillip Goudeaux is the founder of FCMI, Fellowship Covenant Ministries International.

Homes For Our Troops
Taunton, Massachusetts
Taunton, Massachusetts
Their Mission Statement:
"To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives."
We encourage you to check out their website for more information.
"To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives."
We encourage you to check out their website for more information.

David Hogan
Freedom Ministries | Mexico
Freedom Ministries | Mexico
David Hogan founded Freedom Ministries in 1981. It all started with nothing but a word from God and a vision of the area. He began by preaching village by village. Since the beginning of Freedom Ministries, over six hundred churches have been developed and countless villages have been brought the Gospel. The mountainous region where many of the churches exist is a harsh area with few roads and many villages only recently having electric power.

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Their Mission Statement:
"The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid."
We encourage you to check out their website for more information.
"The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid."
We encourage you to check out their website for more information.